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Dave E

X-Ryder News


The meeting opened at 7.35pm, with MNSW President Tim Sanford in the Chair. All Directors and the CEO, Dave Cooke, were present, and Amy Knop, (acting as Minute Secretary).



CEO Dave Cooke announced that as there were only two nominations for the two vacant positions on the Board of MNSW, he declared Tim Sanford and Michel Constantinou elected, and there would be no need for a postal vote.

The Delegates applauded the announcement.

***************** HARRIS PARK PROPERTY During the CEO Report Dave Cook confirmed the sale of the present MNSW office at Parkes St, Harris Park for $3.3Million. The April auction did not reach the reserve, with the sale later negotiated with the eventual buyer. The property was actually owned by MNSW Properties Ltd, and the new property at Smithfield was bought by MNSW for $3.3million. MNSW does not have that sort of money, so I expect that a loan was organised from MNSW Properties. There is a motion to close MNSW Properties and transfer its assets to MNSW to be voted on during the Special General Meeting, to be held on 24 May.

Incidentally, the buyer of the Parkes St property was not the owner of the adjoining property, who had been trying to buy it for several years.



During the reading of the minutes, a Delegate asked for more details of a reference to a NSW Office of Sport report on the "Organisational Health" of MNSW. CEO Dave Cooke replied that the report determined that MNSW was "not well". He admitted that they had a lot more information about the organisation than he expected. They were well aware of the recent turmoil in the management of the company, and were also concerned about some of the accounting practices. Another item of concern was that the Constitution had not been updated in the last five years.

He stated that most of their concerns raised were "legacy matters". Apparently the review was conducted last year at the height of the Board problems. Since then the CEO and President have been replaced, the Board is acting co-operatively, a new Constitution has been adopted, and a new bookkeeper is painstakingly going through the accounts, sorting out errors which had accumulated over time. The report also indicated other areas where improvement should be made.

He assured delegates the Board will continue to work with the Office of Sport in these areas.

Last year MNSW received Development Grants totaling $55,000 from the NSW Office of Sport.



Although the new office is partly fitted out it will require some refurbishing and wiring upgrades, expected to cost around $60,000. It is hoped that the new office can be occupied within four weeks, with a weekend transfer of the contents from Parkes St.

Naturally all telephone numbers will change, so all clubs will be advised when the installation is completed.

Whether MNSW General Meetings will be held at Smithfield has not been decided. One of the (few) advantages of holding General Meetings at Blacktown Workers Club is that the Delegates can meet and have dinner in the Bistro before the meetings. This would not be available at Smithfield as there are no clubs in the neighbourhood.



I mentioned previously that the remaining six member clubs of Nepean Motor Sports Club Ltd have been having problems managing the circuit the Club owns at Castlereagh, (half way between Richmond and Penrith), and offered to sell the property to MNSW. MNSW was interested and commenced enquiries into the financial affairs of the club.

The day to day operation of the circuit, including hiring, was handled by members of City of Penrith MCC, one of the owner clubs.

From here on the details get a bit vague, as MNSW is reluctant to elaborate, probably as investigations are still proceeding. The most that I can deduce is that during the audit a number of "irregularities" were revealed and the NSW Police and ASIC became involved. One woman has been convicted of money laundering and Penrith Club was disaffiliated. Whether other Directors or Committee Members will also be charged with various criminal acts is not known.

At this point I must emphasise that MNSW is not directly involved in the police investigation.

Since then the Penrith Club has elected a new Committee and is complying with the conditions of the Disaffiliation Notice, so MNSW recently withdrew the Disaffiliation Notice.

Not surprisingly, discussion on buying the Nepean property has been deferred until the Nepean management problems are resolved.

One suggestion offered was that the main users of the circuit, Speedway and Kart Clubs, be invited to join a future management panel.



Two new men have joined the staff of MNSW; Paul Caslick has been appointed as Development Officer and will join with staff from other states on the National Junior Development Program.

Jack Doherty has been appointed as Media Officer, and will be looking after the MNSW website etc.



The licences of two Junior competitors have been suspended for a year after their parents abused and/or threatened MNSW staff. Riders are reminded that they are responsible for their support persons actions, not only under the Members Protection Policy, but also the Code Of Conduct, (GCR The licences are suspended until January, 2019.



The President reminded delegates that proposed amendments to the recent Constitution must be received soon, to allow discussion and if necessary, prepare the motions. The new Constitution was passed at a Special General Meeting in January, this year. No alterations were permitted to be made on the night as it was imperative to pass the Constitution at that meeting to allow this year's elections under the new rules.

The Chairman promised that clubs would be given an opportunity to submit suggested alterations, so this is your last chance. A vote will be held on the proposed amendments, including those raised at the January meeting at a Special General Meeting, to be held after the Annual General Meeting on 24th May.

***************** MX PROBLEMS

During Committee Reports the meeting was informed that the long spell of dry weather west of the mountains is having a serious effect that most city people would not expect. The drought is having a devastating effect on livestock and crops, but is also causing MX meetings to be cancelled, as the events cannot be run without water to minimise dust. So if you know how to rain dance, do it now and help our country cousins!


So after General Business finished, the meeting closed at 8.15pm, a very brief meeting!


Regards ..... Dave E

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