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X-Ryder News


The meeting opened at 7.40pm, with the President, Tim Sanford in the chair. All Directors and the CEO, Dave Cooke were present, and Ms Amy Knop, acting as Minute Secretary.


Before the meeting opened the reprinted 2017 Annual Report was distributed to replace the original version presented at the AGM, which had various pages missing.


During the reading of the April minutes a delegate questioned the CEO report reference to the sale of the Parkes St Harris Park property for $3.3 Million. He pointed out that the property was sold by MNSW Properties, not MNSW. The President agreed that the minute could have been clearer, but confirmed that the proceeds of the sale, (less agent's fees etc) was paid into the MNSW Properties account.


There was also a reference to MNSW interest in the driver training circuit at Marulan (near Goulburn) as a possible venue for short course and supermoto events. The circuit has recently been upgraded and extended. The board will consider the suitability, potential demand and the requirements required for licencing, before discussions with the owners.


The CEO also discussed the progress in discussions with the management of Eastern Creek Kart circuit. The owners have reached an agreement with the ARDC (the operators of the adjacent Sydney Motorsport Park) which will allow motorcycle racing on several of the Kart circuits. (There are 25 variations of circuits at the venue. Only 3 were ever available for bikes. The circuits have not been used for bike racing for many years, although supermoto practice days have been running for years). It is hoped that several circuits can be licenced for short course, motolite and supermoto events, hopefully at a much lower cost than hiring SMP.


During the discussion on the financial report, a question was raised over a reference to an expense item of $13,914.25 to Coonabarabran MX and Enduro Club, which has been affiliated less than a year. This club is one of the main users of the MNSW owned Goanna Tracks MX and Enduro venue, at Coona-barabran. As a result of the severe drought in the area and the acute lack of water, the circuit is unable to be used.

The present operator, who was formerly the owner before defaulting on a loan from MNSW, has been running the venue rent free, living off the income from riders fees. He is now in financial difficulties and is expected to leave the site, taking his machines used to maintain the circuit with him.

MNSW is keen to retain the venue for competition and recreational use when the drought breaks, as it apparently is an excellent MX venue and has already hosted several successful open meetings. The grant of $13,000 to the club will be used to buy equipment, including a tractor, to continue the upkeep of the circuit. A decision on whether to run the final of the King of MX series at this venue will have to be made soon.


Also in the financial report under the heading "Other Income" were two items listed as "Grants Received, MNSW Properties Ltd". The first was for $500,000.00, the other for $3,181,818,18. The $500,000.00 was to provide funds for grants and loans to clubs to improve their facilities, some of which has already been allocated. Over $160,000.00 has been loaned to clubs, including $101,200.00 to Hastings Valley MCC.

The $3.181,818.18 was used to pay for the Smithfield property. (MNSW had already paid the deposit from their funds).



The CEO, Dave Cooke, announced the re- election of Tim Sanford as President, and Gavin Hunt as Vice President. (Under the new constitution, the clubs no longer vote for these positions. They are elected by the Board from their members).

The meeting applauded the announcement.

Dave also announced the candidates appointed by the Board to the various Sports Committees.

ROAD RACE: Zara Griffin, Bob Johnston, Sharon Millard, Kristi Rothwell. HISTORIC ROAD RACE: Marcus De Caux, Ken Lindsay, Bob Johnston, Rod Muir. DIRT TRACK: Warren Scott, Fiona Ryan, Trent O'Donnell, Denise Dall, Craig Nelson. ENDURO: Jan Waldon, Michael Knight, Steve Squires, Treena Sargent, Lord Danny Graham, Matthew Short. TRIALS: Martin O'Connor, Gary Boniface, Nathan Guinness. SPEEDWAY: Steve Kurtz, John Walker, Paul Slade, Terry Poole, Denise Dall. MX: There were insufficient nominations to form a committee; an Administrator will be appointed by the Board. MINIKHANA: One member per (minibike) club.



The CEO announced that after discussions with the Minister for Sport, the lease for the Horsley Park venue has been extended for another year. This will give MNSW more time to find another site, as the sites offered by the government so far have proved to be unsuitable. It was suggested at one time that if a suitable site could be bought, MNSW could build their office there, but as MNSW has recently bought a property at Smithfield, this requirement will not be needed.



The possibility of moving the MNSW General Meetings to the new office was discussed.

The present venue at Blacktown Workers Club has long been criticised as being hard to get to, but it has the advantage of having plenty of parking and has a choice of restaurants for meals before the meetings. It also costs around $500.00 per night to hire the meeting room. The new office at Smithfield was suggested as an alternative venue. CEO Dave Cooke stated there was plenty of room on the mezzanine floor of the office, but to upgrade the area suitable for meetings, including air conditioning etc would cost around $95,000.00. It could then be used for training seminars, committee meetings etc.

There is parking for 18 vehicles on-site, but plenty of room on the local street after business hours, when the meetings would be held. There are no clubs or take-away food outlets in the local area, so delegates would have to eat on the way. The board will consider the matter further.



A delegate asked when the cancelled Annual General Meeting of MNSW Properties Ltd. will be re-held, and when it's Annual Report will be distributed. (At the AGM in May delegates were told that the meeting would have to be cancelled because there were some points in the Financial Report which the directors did not agree with).

CEO Dave Cooke stated that there was no urgency to hold the meeting. He had received advice from ASIC that although the company was technically in breach of the company reporting guidelines, they agreed to extend the time limit.

Zara Griffin, chairperson of MNSW Properties and also an accountant, stated that the questions relating to the Annual Report were not the actual figures.

Dave continued the discussion, pointing out that the AGM of MNSW was also technically beyond the time limit. ASIC has recommended that the AGM be held earlier next year. Holding the AGM in May has always been to allow time for the calling of nominations for the elections, and then time for clubs to receive the ballot papers, vote, and return the ballots. Under the new constitution, the only nominations to be called will be for directors and sport committees. The only ballot will be for directors, (if there are more nominations than the number of positions vacant). The board now also appoints the members of the sports committees. No decision was made on a change.



Further information regarding the Nepean Motor Sports Club-Penrith MCC police investigation has leaked out. MNSW is still not discussing the matter officially, but it appears that neither MNSW nor Nepean Motor Sports Club was directly involved. Apparently the female partner of a Penrith member who also handled Nepean's books embezzled a large sum of money from her employer and laundered it through Penrith club's accounts. The lady concerned has been convicted and is in prison, Penrith club has elected a new committee and the club has been re-affiliated.

Meanwhile, the possibility of MNSW taking over Nepean seems to have eased, with one board member being strongly opposed to the plan.


The meeting closed at 8.40pm, after a very quiet meeting.

Regards .....Dave E

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