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X-Ryder News

Updated: Oct 4, 2022

MOTORCYCLING NSW LIMITED GENERAL COUNCIL MEETING 23rd June, 2022, held at the Blacktown Workers Club, and on-line with Microsoft Teams.

Dear friends.

The meeting started at 7.01pm with most of the board either attending or on line. One noteable absentee was Director Dave Cooke. President Darren Gossling chaired the meeting.

The online facilities in the meeting room had been up-graded; the video projector and screen have gone, replaced by a very large TV screen. Delegates in the room were actually able to recognise some on-line speakers. At one time during the meeting, there were 27 delegates attending the meeting, and 23 on-line.

Here are a few items from the meeting and reports which may be of interest.

2.1 - RACEPACE SETTLEMENT: The board still have not determined which parts they can legally disclose. We were told that a statement will be made next meeting.

2.2 - FINANCIAL REPORT: The company made a loss of $18,107 for the month of May. The same period last year showed a profit of $167,860, however the current year to date income is ahead of budget. Readers are reminded that some clubs still have not applied for Club Grants of $1,000.

2.2 - INVESTMENT OF MNSW SURPLUS FUNDS: The board has received advice from the accountants, but in view of the current rapidly changing interest rates a delay may produce better results.

2.3 - NOWRA: The President and the CEO have been to Nowra to inspect the venue and meet the representatives of the Nowra club re the handover. It now appears that MNSW will be required to outlay considerable funds to make the venue suitable for a safe transition to club control. The hand-over could still be six months away.

2.4 - CENTRALISED LICENCING: More figures were presented which appear to support MA's recommendation to take over all licencing, however, many delegates remain unconvinced that there is any actual financial or other benefit to MNSW.

2.6 - HORSLEY PARK A Baulkham Hills delegate enquired who authorised the expenditure of over $71,000 at the site (which they share with Blacktown Mini Bike Club) without their knowledge. The CEO replied that he would find out who authorised the outlay. The expenditure is listed as repairs and maintenance, but it is believed that some of the cost was to raise the levels of parts of the circuit.

Another delegate questioned the wisdom of this expenditure, considering that the lease on the site only runs to 2023, and, if MNSW has to leave the property it will be required to restore the site to Western Sydney Parkland Trust's satisfaction.

3.0ii - MA ORGANISATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS: A delegate asked which, if any, of the proposed "Federated Improvements" the board was considering adopting. The President assured the delegates that the board has a legal responsibility to work in the best interests of MNSW members. None of the proposed changes are presently being considered. 3.00iv - MNSW WORKING WITH CHILDREN POLICY: MNSW has upgraded its Working With Children Policy to better comply with the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012.

Most readers would be aware of the policy, but the requirements for the check on Officials have been changed in some circumstances. MNSW, all clubs and promotors must ensure that their organisation is registered as an employer for the Working With Children Check if they conduct events for persons under the age of eighteen, and the organisation is responsible for the people they employ or appoint. There are specific requirements under the act for verifying the records of persons working for the organisation before an event, requiring the development and maintenance of a spreadsheet to manage the records. The distinction between the voluntary and paid registration has been clarified, and now requires any person who receives any form of remuneration such as an allowance, gift vouchers or other forms of payment to hold a Paid WWCC, costing $80.00 and lasting for five years. The Volunteer registration is free. There is a list of exemptions to the requirement to register, such as a close relative officiating at an event where their child is competing, or the official is under 18, so check the list. I suggest that any reader who acts as an official at motorcycle events should download the Working With Children & Guidelines Policy v1 April 2022 from the MNSW site and check their status with the requirements. The Policy confirms that persons who are unable or unwilling to satisfy the requirements of the WWCC cannot work or volunteer as officials.

7.0 - NEW CLUB AFFILIATIONS: There were five applications;

Dargle Valley Motorcycling Club,

Wyalong Motorsports Club, (reaffiliation),

Bathurst Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club,

Macleay Valley Enduro Riders,

Antique Motorcycle Club of America, Australia.

Discussion on this matter quickly developed into arguments of interpretations of the constitution regarding affiliation. From my experience, the usual procedure was for a new club to apply to MNSW for the necessary paperwork. This required supplying evidence that the club expects to conduct motorcycle related activities, must be Incorporated as a not-for-profit entity, have an approved constitution, has a minimum of 25 members, supply a list of the club's aims and objectives, and explains the Application fees, etc. When the office received the application, (with the application fee), the CEO was required to check the application, and if it complied with the requirements, he was required to notify existing affiliated clubs in the area of the applicant club to determine if there was any objection. The application, together with the local club responses (if any), was then forwarded to the MNSW board, which would consider the application, then make a recommendation to the next General Meeting. The delegates attending the meeting, after hearing the recommendations from the board and the responses from neighbouring clubs then voted to accept or refuse the application. It appears that the step of inviting neighbouring clubs for their opinions on the current applications was overlooked, and the board wanted the applications decided on the night. In an effort to settle the matter, Life Member Ron Kivovitch, moved that the applications be approved.

After much discussion, the motion passed 23 to 13, however, after further reading of the constitution, the President ruled that the acceptances would be subject to a detailed review of the constitution by the board. Several speakers pointed out that their club had not been notified of the applications and had not had an opportunity to consider the effects of a new club in their area, so the President agreed to circulate the club applications on line and allow until Wednesday, (29th) for the return of correspondence from affected clubs. My reading of Section 8 of the 2020 Constitution shows that the Board may approve complying applications, or, may refer the application to the next General Council Meeting, where a representative from the applicant club may speak in support of the application. The delegates may then vote on the application as an ordinary motion. I have read the applications from the five clubs provided on-line by MNSW, and can foresee at least one objection. It will be interesting to see if the board uses its authority to approve some or all of the applications, or wait for the next General Council Meeting in August to make the decisions. I suggest that this is another section of the Constitution which requires clarification.


NEW RIDERNET: The President announced that a new version of RiderNet, RiderNet 2.0 will be available in late August for trialling. It will be provided by a new supplier and will be different in some areas to the old version. Training courses are planned prior to the introduction. It appears that it will compulsory for all clubs. It will have provision for licence and WWC reminders.

SHORTAGE OF OFFICIALS: The President discussed the chronic shortage of Senior Officials and the MNSW policy to pay travel costs for Stewards, Clerks of Course, Race Secretaries, and Scrutineers officiating at Open Meetings. The number of Senior Officials continues to fall, and Officials Training Seminars are being planned to improve the numbers.

CLUB SURVEYS: The President announced that the board will be starting a series of progressive surveys to learn what riders, clubs and spectators actually expect or want from their sport. These could include questionnaires to clubs, individuals officials or even exit polls at race meetings. The board will use the information to formulate their Strategic Planning policy

GOOD NEWS AT BATHURST: The delegate for the Panorama club informed the meeting that the Local Aboriginal Land Council claim on the club's MX circuit on Mount Panorama has been denied. Whether this covers the long-awaited short road race and Kart circuits in the same area is not known, but this is very reassuring news for other clubs which have circuits on leased public land.

Meeting closed 9.47pm. Best Wishes, Dave E


Here's a current list of the MNSW staff and their responsibilities, which may handy if you need to talk with someone at MNSW.

The list was taken from a MNSW circular email on 28th June, 2022.

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