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X-Ryders News

Dave E

28 January, 2018


Dear Friends Here's a few notes on two remarkable MNSW meetings on the one night.


The meeting opened at 7.45pm, with MNSW President Tim Sanford in the Chair. Directors Christine Tickner and Gavin Hunt, CEO Dave Cooke, and Amy Knop, (acting as Minute Secretary) were present. A large number of delegates attended, I estimate over 40.


During the CEO's report, Dave Cooke discussed the efforts of the new bookkeeper Louie Henry in sorting out some long standing anomalies in the accounts. Delegates have often questioned the reference to "bad debts" of around $180,000. It seems many of these "debts" have been rolling over for years but no-one took the time to follow them up, even though they are listed as assets. After much work by Louie, it has now been found that many of these debts have never existed, being automatic billing for licences and contracts etc which were never taken up. They have been allowed to accumulate over a long period, but now, when they are deleted, the assets of the company will appear to have 'lost' the same amount.



The CEO was asked to explain why there were still debits appearing in the account for the Motoplex, despite it's handover to the original owners. Dave confirmed that there were bills being paid by MNSW, because the transfer of Nowra District Motor Cycle Club to Nowra Motor Cycle Club has not been completed, and must be handled carefully to protect the Permissive Occupancy Lease of the property, as the name of the lessee cannot be changed. Recently part of the on -site dam collapsed, and had to be rebuilt. The dam is the only water supply for the circuit. A major MX meeting will be held in March.

When asked if the critically endangered orchid, which somehow had proliferated so much to exclude 40% of the now abandoned road race site across the road was present on the Motoplex site, he stated that it had not been sighted, and the club would be checking regularly. The aboriginal land claim for the property is expected to be refused.



The CEO discussed a proposal from the NSW Government and Blacktown Council of a parcel of land at Daniel Morris Reserve at Whalan, (near Mount Druitt), as a suitable replacement for the soon to close Ian Packer Mini Bike area at Horsley Park. He added that although negotiations were continuing, in his opinion the site would require "a lot of work" to achieve an acceptable venue.


The CEO announced that MNSW would soon require more staff. The duty statements and other details are yet to be completed, but one of the positions is expected to be a Development Officer, whose duties will include expanding the membership numbers, especially in the junior ranks.



It has been reported that MNSW was interested in buying the circuit from the five remaining club shareholders. When this matter was brought up the President declined to discuss the subject as certain legal matters are still proceeding.

***************** MNSW BUYS NEW OFFICE

Motorcycling NSW Ltd has purchased an office / warehouse building at 9 Cooper St, Smithfield. (Smithfield is a part industrial - part residential suburb, about seven kilometres south west of Parramatta).

As mentioned previously, the present MNSW office in Parkes St, Harris Park has served very well for around ten years, but has become increasingly unworkable, due to its limited office space, lack of storage space, restricted parking and hazardous access via a narrow laneway. This property is owned by MNSW Properties Ltd and cost $1.2 million in 2008. The owner of an adjoining property has been interested in buying the Parkes St property for several years, and MNSW is planning an auction in April. The sale would cover most of the $3.3 million cost of the Smithfield property.

The site area at Smithfield is 1900m2, consisting of a 2 storey office block with an attached warehouse. The building, of concrete construction, is believed to be around 30 years old and is free standing, vacant possession, and has 18 parking spots. There could be sufficient spare room in the office for Delegates meetings. The office area is already partly fitted out, but would require some up-grading, particularly more toilets.

There would be more than enough room to store all MNSW's hire equipment (transponders, radios), MNSW Shop stock, vehicles, trailer, bikes, air fence, shipping containers etc in the warehouse.

The new property will be bought by MNSW, probably with a loan from MNSW Properties. (It has already been announced that MNSW intends to close MNSW Properties, and transfer all its assets to MNSW, but this would require member's approval).

No date for settlement or occupation has been mentioned, but if some alterations are required, it could be months before a move.

The MNSW Office, Parkes St, Harris Park, in 2008

The MNSW office, Parkes St, Harris Park, in 2008 The new MNSW office, 9 Cooper St, Smithfield. MNSW BUYS AIR FENCE FROM ETIHAD STADIUM

The air fence which has been used for the World Speedway Championships meetings at Etihad Stadium, Melbourne, has been bought by MNSW for $40,000. The air fence panels, which are of the blow-up, transportable type, are already in storage in NSW. It will be available for clubs and private promotors to hire, and would be ideal for temporary circuits such as super-moto, or street road racing. The other airfences in use in NSW are at Sydney Motorsport Park (T 6 & T 15), and Kurri Kurri speedway. These are fabricated, (internal frame) construction, and are much more suited to long term installation. In my opinion, this is an excellent investment in rider safety; as well as minimising injuries it could save MAIL insurance a lot of money. $40,000 is small change when you consider the cost of a major accident claim.

The Etihad airfence on turns 1 & 2, and 3 & 4 The airfence on turns 3 &4. It is not used on straights.


The meeting closed at 8.55 pm. A brief recess was held before the opening of the Special General Meeting.



The meeting opened at 9.05pm, with MNSW President Tim Sanford in the Chair. Directors Christine Tickner and Gavin Hunt, CEO Dave Cooke, and Amy Knop, (acting as Minute Secretary) were present.


The President of MNSW welcomed the assembled delegates and thanked them for their attendance. He discussed the critical need for a new constitution after the failings of the present version caused chaos last year, and how important it was to adopt the new constitution tonight, even if there were particular items which delegates did not agree with.

He suggested the most important change was the duties of the Directors, and the ability to remove Directors, if required, which would prevent a recurrence of last year's problems.

He reminded delegates that there could be no changes to the constitution tonight. It must be passed or rejected as it is.

He gave his personal pledge that items brought up for further consideration would be reviewed at a Special General Meeting held after the Annual General Meeting in May.

He then invited delegates to submit questions on various clauses of the constitution. All the questions were noted by the minute secretary for review.

NCRR Dave Elliott asked if the President was aware that in the proposed new constitution, the Australian Capital Territory was not listed as part of MNSW's management jurisdiction, or if MA was planning on making the ACT another SCB. The President looked a bit stunned, and said that he had read the constitution at least twenty times and had not noticed that this important item had been omitted.

He assured Delegates that MNSW had no intention of abandoning the ACT clubs, suggesting that the solicitor who wrote the constitution was probably unaware that MNSW administered motorcycling sport in the ACT.

Another item discussed was clauses which refer to the MA Constitution, which is not yet completed, yet MNSW is expected to comply with some of its requirements. He agreed that this was a problem, but suggested we should have some faith in MA's intentions.

Many other items were raised, with the President briefly discussing them. All items were noted for further consideration.

One point which I thought was interesting was that no comments were raised over the MNSW By- Laws, which contains many new sections, including the election rules.

After considerable debate the President finally closed discussion, pointing out that whilst the document was not perfect, it was a huge improvement on the existing version, and he was committed to changes as required. He then announced it was time to put the motion; that the constitution, as presented, be accepted.

The Delegates voted in favour by almost an almost unanimous decision.

The result was declared with loud applause from the audience.

The President thanked the Delegates for their support, and with the new constitution taking immediate effect, he assured members that MNSW could now start planning for the elections and AGM.

The President then closed the meeting.


If any members would like to read the MNSW Constitution or By laws they will be available on the MNSW site, or email me at the above address and I will forward them. (50 pages, PDF)

Regards Dave E

Regards .....Dave E

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