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X-Ryder New

Dave E


11 December, 2019. _____________________________________________________________Dear Friends

The meeting opened at 7.35pm, with the President, Gavin Hunt in the chair. Also present were Directors Tim Sanford, Dave Charnings, Matt Sexton, and Trent O'Donnell, CEO Dave Cooke, and Amy Knop taking the minutes. An apology was received from Christine Tickner.


The minutes of the last General Meeting in October were read and adopted.


The delegate for North Coast Road Racers asked the President if he could confirm that the Goanna Tracks property at Coonabarabran was registered in the name of MNSW Properties Ltd instead of MNSW, after a court decision in 2014. The President confirmed that this was correct.

The delegate then asked a series of questions regarding this action, including it's legality, who made the decision, which company has been paying outgoings etc, and what is being done to correct this matter.

The President agreed that the Board was quite surprised to learn of this matter, which was only uncovered during the process of settling MNSW Properties accounts in preparation for transferring it's assets to MNSW.

Considerable discussion took place on each matter raised, with the President confirming that as this problem arose years back some records are incomplete, but the MNSW Solicitors are working through the issues. He continued that it was not just a matter of transferring the title, as there may be taxation implications to consider, although both companies are non-profit organisations. He assured the meeting that the matter will be resolved shortly.

One disturbing point he mentioned was that the auditors were aware of the error some years ago.


BOARD MINUTES CEO Dave Cooke referred to a misleading email from MA regarding their vision of the National Licensing Scheme. Motorcycling Qld has been appointed to develop the National Licensing Scheme, and MNSW has to create the National Permitting Scheme. (This matter was mentioned in the last newsletter).



A delegate questioned an amount of $128,341 owing to MNSW Properties in the Balance Sheet. The CEO explained that it was accrued rent not paid for the Parkes St Property occupied by MNSW, when MNSW decided to improve it's bottom line by not paying the bill, but MNSW Properties had not agreed to forgive the debt.

Another query concerned a "bad debt" of $73,095.45. This account, from 2016 was for a bike importer and after investigation, it was finally decided that there never was a debt, but had to be written off, as it had previously been listed as an asset.



Dave Cooke discussed various current matters

New staff members Dane Kovacevic and Marie Tamvakolos are settling into their duties as Sport and Event Officers.

The CEO announced that MNSW competition licences and one day licence numbers were up by 2%; all other states' numbers were down. He attributed the rise to the great success of the King of MX and Sultans of Slide promotions, which has brought new interest into those sports.

He discussed the possibility of the MNSW general meetings going live on line, to allow clubs unable to attend meetings to keep up to date with developments. There are a number of problems such as quorums etc to consider, apart from the technical aspects, so it won't happen soon.

Dave discussed the matter of venue inspections. There is a NSW Legislative Review currently under way of the Motor Vehicles (public safety) Act 1985, with the present Act likely to be replaced. One item under consideration is circuit inspections changed to bi-annual, but the Steward would be required to make a thorough inspection before competition.

Another change suggested is that the Police would no longer attend inspections. Their presence is currently required under the Act, to look after spectator safety. This role is expected to be replaced by the Office of Sport. I foresee much more paperwork, more pressure on inspectors and increased costs to clubs. But if it reduces the number of Public Risk insurance claims from spectators, it will be a big win for MAIL, and indirectly, clubs and riders.

On the subject of a replacement for the Horsley Park Mini bike centre, Dave told the meeting that the Office of Sport is now reviewing the entire Eastern Creek area, including Sydney Motorsport Park, which is considered out of date. Adding to the urgency is the fact that the Parramatta Speedway, which the government intends to acquire for Metro requirements within two years, has been promised a replacement in the Eastern Creek area. Apparently negotiations are continuing with Western Sydney Parklands, the owner of most of the land in the area for at least 100Ha, and MNSW would like to relocate the office there, if the new mini bike circuit was in the same area.



Further to the last newsletter item, a delegate enquired if the fine had been paid, or an appeal lodged. Dave Cooke replied that the fine had not been paid and the defendant had until 12th December to lodge an appeal, after being given more time by the Board. If there is no appeal or the fine is not paid, I expect the board would proceed to commence de-affiliation of the business.

***************** GENERAL BUSINESS The President, Gavin Hunt announced that when the assets of MNSW Properties are eventually transferred to MNSW, part will be invested. However some funds will be available for loans or grants to clubs for circuit development. The usual land tenure and collateral requirements would apply. Currently there is an application from Goulburn MCC under consideration for funds to finish their nearly completed circuit. Another application, from Hunter MCC has been deferred until funds are available.


CORRECTION: Last newsletter I wrote that the Goanna Tracks venue is currently being used. This is incorrect. The venue has not been used for at least two years, due to the lack of water to maintain the circuit in the current drought conditions. The grants to the Coonabarabran Club were for equipment etc to conserve the property until rain comes.



Older members of Ryde MCC will be saddened to learn that Margaret, wife of long term member Carl Philipp, passed away last Wednesday (4th December). The funeral was held on Saturday. She had been in poor health for several years. Margaret was well known in club activities over the years, being club treasurer at one stage and attending many race meetings around the state with Carl, as well as at our many social functions.

I'm sure all our old members will offer our sincere sympathy to Carl and his family for her passing.

Here's a couple of old photos of Carl and Margaret from happier days.



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